Toilet Paper Heater

Hi Everyone!

Sorry, been a few days without a post. I have been feeling a little crappy for several days now, this has been a crazy sick season in Colorado!

Anyway, I’m back :)

In this post I share a cool way to make a toilet paper personal heater out of  TP, a can, and some rubbing alcohol.

Check it out:

In the video I used a normal lighter, but these can be started with any sort of spark,  including a fire steel!

This heater will last for several hours but eventually the isopropyl alcohol will burn off and more will need to be added. Make sure to extinguish the flame completely and allow to cool before adding additional rubbing alcohol to the wick.

Always use the lid to extinguish the heater. Alcohol burns with a flame that can be difficult to see – don’t get too close and don’t try to blow out the flame.

Finally, remember –  any flame will consume oxygen, so make sure you crack a window or have some other means of allowing some fresh air in.   Isopropyl “rubbing alcohol”  produces very little carbon monoxide, but it is always a good idea to have fresh air circulating at all times!

Using the paint can is key to this project if you intend to make these as a prep. The alcohol will evaporate and rust other containers. It is worth the $1 to $2.





It may seem at times like you have ‘done it all’ but there are many new crafts and lost skills out there for all of us! This is my mission!

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